viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2007

The King is back

Hey people , I'm back I know I know , It's been a while and I'm sorry but I've got my reasons .
So I bet that you all must be thinking what have I been doing, well... among other thing I have been thinking about an idea of a bussiness, I want to make good money but I don't want to work all day, honestly between you and me I hate the office work (8 hours , 5 or 6 days a week) having your boss and stuff ... So I'm still thinking I'll try to post a few ideas soon so you can tell me which one you think It's the best option ...

(excuse my crappy english)

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

well, doing office work is necessary and in any company somebody has to do it, and you can be your own boss if you want haha, but the negative aspect of being your own boss is more work and to have to deal with the employees union hahahah. emm some ideas? have to think about the way, take the exam! will be helpful in the future .....

Alejandro Cortés dijo...

well you've got a point there..

I'll have to think about it =) , maybe I can be like a rock star or maybe a famous writer =) If you want to I can show you some of my poems and storys